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Our Stories, Our Streets: April Activist Storytelling Hour

Updated: Mar 29, 2023

WHAT: Activist Storytelling Hour

WHEN: April 12th, 6:30pm EST

WHERE: Mixtape- 4097 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15224

Our Stories, Our Streets: Join us at 6:30pm on April 12th, at Mixtape for stories and conversation with local activists from different backgrounds and movements.

The program will look something like this: 3 activists from different backgrounds will each share a 15 minute story, then the audience will have a chance to ask questions or share resonances, and lastly folks will have a chance to mingle and make new connections. The prompt for storytellers is to share about a moment, campaign or personal experience that spurred their activism, shifted their approach, or deepened their resolve. See updates on this event here:

Help us continue Community Building efforts like this, donate today! bit.Ly/DonateToTMC

Thanks to our sponsor, USW Local 3657

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